I was born and raised in Nova Scotia, Canada. Since graduating from Dalhousie University, where I studied Theatre, I’ve lived in Japan, South Korea, and Thailand, teaching English and serving in other education-related capacities. I’m an avid traveller, and my interests range widely, from cultures to the cosmos. I currently reside in Bangkok.

My short stories have appeared in the Asia Literary Review, Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, Fatal Flaw Literary Magazine, Prose Online, Route 7 Review and others. My short novella/long short story “The Year of the Cassowary” (now “The Time of the Cassowary”) was awarded Honorable Mention in Glimmer Train‘s final Fiction Open in 2019.
My first novel, Itsuki, is available in print and e-book, and can be purchased online from Amazon, Book Depository, Barnes and Noble, or just about anywhere you order books from.
I’m currently working on my next novel, set in a struggling Nova Scotian fishing community that stumbles upon an immense rarity in their midst, as well as a collection of my short fiction (you can find a selection of those, both previously published pieces and ones exclusive to this site, in Stories). For future news about those and other projects, Itsuki-related content, and a variety of thoughts, writing prompt responses/flash fiction, author interviews and more, please drop by frequently and consider following my blog.
You can also find me on Instagram (@zachmacdonaldauthor), as well as over on Goodreads and Amazon.